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Benefits of Walnut

 Walnut Health Benefits:

19 Amazing Benefits And Uses Of Walnuts
  • Improves Heart Health: Walnuts are filled with omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for heart health. ...
  • Good for Brain Health: Omega 3 fatty acids in walnut are essential for a healthy brain. ...
  • Prevents Breast Cancer: Eating few walnuts every day can lower the risk related to breast cancer. ...Walnuts have a slightly bitter taste. They are widely used in most bakery products. Apart from its various culinary uses, walnut has many health, skin and hair benefits. Walnuts are best known to help you acquire glowing skin, strong hair and a healthy body. Walnut is also included in various skin care products for its rich nutritional benefits.
  • https://fabuloussunshine.blogspot.com/2021/04/benefits-of-black-berry.html





    Walnut Health Benefits:

    1. Improves Heart Health:

    Walnuts are filled with omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for heart health. Consume a few walnuts every day to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol in your body. This also boosts good cholesterol production and benefits your heart.

    2. Good for Brain Health:

    Omega 3 fatty acids in walnut are essential for a healthy brain. Consume foods with high Omega 3 fatty acid content to keep your nervous system working smoothly and to improve your memory.

    3. Prevents Breast Cancer:

    Eating few walnuts every day can lower the risk related to breast cancer. It is suggested to consume walnuts to reduce the chances of breast cancer.

    4. Maintains Bone Health:

    Walnut has an essential fatty acid known as alpha linolenic acid. This acid can help your bones to grow stronger and healthier. You should intake walnuts to lower inflammation. This can keep your bones strong for a long time.

    5. Aids Better Sleep And Stress:

    Walnut contains melatonin that aids good sleeping patterns. Omega 3 fatty acids also keep a check on your blood pressure and relieve stress.

    6. Required during Pregnancy:

    Expecting mothers can get many benefits from consuming walnut every day. Walnut has Vitamin B complex like folates, riboflavin and thiamin. These are essential for women during pregnancy for the health of the foetus.

    7. Relieves Constipation and Digestive System:

    Walnut is high in fiber that is useful to maintain the health of your digestive system. We need fiber daily for proper bowel movement. Many protein sources like meat, eggs and dairy products do not contain fiber. Consume walnuts daily to keep your digestive problems at bay.

    8. Boosts Immunity:

    Walnuts are best known to boost immunity. Walnuts contain good amounts of antioxidants to keep the immune system healthy and protect it from many diseases. Add few walnuts to your daily diet to stay fit as a fiddle.

    9. Cures Inflammatory Diseases:

    Inflammatory diseases such as asthma, arthritis and eczema can be cured by eating walnuts. They contain high amounts of fatty acids to treat these diseases.

    These were the walnut health benefits. Now we will check the walnut benefits for skin and hair.

    Walnut Benefits for Healthy Skin:

    10. Delays Skin Ageing:

    Walnuts are filled with B-vitamins, which are best for the skin. Vitamin B manages stress and lowers stress levels. High stress levels add to wrinkles and lead to faster ageing. B-vitamins, along with Vitamin E (a natural antioxidant), can fight free radicals that induce stress. Walnuts can delay the process of ageing.

    11. Moisturized Skin:

    Dry-skinned beauties can apply lukewarm walnut oil every day. Walnut oil is useful to keep your skin moisturized. This also nourishes your inner skin and enhances healthy skin cell growth.

    12. Get Rid of Dark Circles:

    Apply lukewarm walnut oil regularly to lighten under eye dark circles. This also acts as a calming agent. The oil from walnut can soothe puffiness on the eyes to help regain the skin’s glow and shine.

    13. Glowing Skin:

    Derive the skin benefits of walnut by making this face pack at home:

    • Blend 4 walnuts, two tsp. oats, 1 tsp. honey, 1 tsp. cream, and four drops of olive oil into a blender to make a good paste.
    • Apply this evenly on the face and neck areas.
    • Let this dry well.
    • Wash your face with warm water.
    • This mask will keep your facial skin hydrated and also delay the signs of ageing.

    Walnut Benefits for Healthy Hair:

    Pollution, erratic lifestyle and bad eating habits can damage your hair. You can regain the health of your hair by adding walnuts to your everyday hair care regimen. Walnuts can be consumed or even applied as an oil to maintain healthy hair.

    14. Longer Hair:

    Walnut is the best source of Omega 6, potassium, Omega 3, and Omega 9 fatty acids. These ingredients help in strengthening the hair follicles. Apply walnut oil regularly to get stronger, healthier, longer and shinier hair.

    15. Prevents Balding:

    Walnut oil can keep balding at bay. Apply this regularly to prevent the onset of balding.

    16. Anti-Dandruff:

    Walnut oil is popularly used in hair oils for its rich hydrating properties. It acts as an anti-dandruff remedy that is 100% natural.

    17. Healthy Scalp:

    Apply walnut oil regularly to keep your scalp hydrated. This will also help you stay away from any medical conditions like dermatitis. Anti-fungal walnut oil is best to prevent infections like ringworm. This also helps to maintain a healthy and clean scalp and hair.

    18. Highlights the Hair Color Naturally:

    Walnut husk is popularly known as a natural coloring agent that can naturally highlight the hair. Walnut oil has a good number of proteins that improves your hair color, while adding a healthy glow.

    19. Improves your Hair:

    It is suggested to apply the oil of walnut 3 times a week to get its benefits. For best and effective results, use it in conjunction with coconut or even olive oil.

    USDA Walnut Nutrition Chart:

    Walnuts (Juglans regia),Nutritional value per 100 g.
    (Source: USDA National Nutrient database)


    Nutrient Value

    Percentage of RDA

    Energy654 Kcal33%
    Carbohydrates13.71 g11%
    Protein15.23 g27%
    Total Fat65.21 g217%
    Cholesterol0 mg0%
    Dietary Fiber6.7 g18%


    Folates98 µg24%
    Niacin1.125 mg7%
    Pantothenic acid0.570 mg11%
    Pyridoxine0.537 mg41%
    Riboflavin0.150 mg11.5%
    Thiamin0.341 mg28%
    Vitamin A20 IU0.5%
    Vitamin C1.3 mg2%
    Vitamin E-γ20.83 mg139%
    Vitamin K2.7 µg2%


    Sodium2 mg0%
    Potassium441 mg9%


    Calcium98 mg10%
    Copper1.5 mg167%
    Iron2.9 mg36%
    Magnesium158 mg39.5%
    Manganese3.4 mg148%
    Phosphorus346 mg49%
    Selenium4.9 µg9%
    Zinc3.09 mg28%


    Carotene-ß12 µg—
    Crypto-xanthin-ß0 µg—
    Lutein-zeaxanthin9 µg—

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